Projects I made during my time at NYU.


Frame by Frame

JavaScript (p5.js), HTML, CSS

Frame by Frame is a web application that allows people to collaboratively tell a story by tasking users to represent phrases from a story with GIFS. Users are prompted to pose for two frames of a GIF and the GIF is then placed into the appropriate part of the story. The story unfolds as more and more people add GIFs. Frame by Frame was exhibited at the ITP/IMA Winter Show.

Capture the Harmony

JavaScript (p5.js, Tone.js)

A web-based musical app that encourages the exploration of harmony without having to memorize note locations. Notes float by and if the user likes their sound they can "catch" the notes by placing two bars around the note. This will make the note bounce back and forth between the bars. The user can change the distance between two bars to adjust for rhythm and tempo.


Soft Roll

NeoPixels, Lasercut Acrylic

A lamp that you can brighten and dim by rotating it. You can both precisely set its brightness or playfully roll it around for fun. It serves as a gentle reminder to pay more attention to the act of giving light.


Wish Chain

Javascript (Three.js), HTML, CSS

An online experience in which users catch dandelion seeds in midair and contribute to a growing chain of wishes. These wishes are stored in an online database and can be read by anyone. My goal was to try to facilitate a sense of connection among visitors to the site as they make wishes and see the links between their own and those of others.


Sound Movement

JavaScript (Node.js, Tone.js)

Collaboration with Yona Ngo and Anh Li.

We asked participants to tape their phone to a body part of their choice. Each participant was assigned a different sound and their phone’s orientation controlled the frequency and duration of notes. We then read out prompts to them, ranging from “as a group, collectively wail” to “can you be free together?” and asked them to respond with sound. 

We were curious about how people could express feelings and information with their body by using it in a different way. With different prompts we were trying to see their willingness to move and express sounds with other people without preparation.